Category Archives: Sewing for me

Winter white Belcarra

My winter (well, it is winter here) white Sewaholic Belcarra.

White Sewaholic Belcarra - front

Because if you’re Aussie, you have to have a photo next to your lemon tree in the backyard. Yes, there is a hills hoist and a garden shed off camera to my right.

I’m not usually at the forefront of sewing up patterns as soon as they’re released. When the Sewaholic Gabriola was announced I flicked past it, not interested in anything maxi (am I the only mum who feels that way?). But the top Tasia was wearing – I couldn’t get that out of my head. And sure enough it was announced that it would be the next Sewaholic release, I’d just have to wait around 2 months. What?

I waited patiently… I lost interest… I didn’t pre-order… but when it was released… “Add to cart”.

This white one is my second Belcarra make. I made the size 0 with a couple of adjustments. I brought the shoulder seams forward a touch. I also bound the neckline at 1/4 inch instead of 5/8 inch as the original neckline is too wide for where my bra straps end up. I think I added about 1 inch to the length, as I did a baby hem instead of the suggested hem length.

White Belcarra - back

I underlined the front and back pieces as the white voile I used is a bit sheer. I sandwiched them between the sleeve pieces which creates a very white line at the seam. Let’s call that a design feature. I also realised that most of my bra strap lands under the sleeve pieces which aren’t underlined. Let’s call that a design feature too.

White Sewaholic Belcarra

I love the turn back cuffs and how they shape the end of the sleeve. I don’t love the fold of fabric that appears around the underarm – any ideas how to get rid of that? I’ve seen it in a lot of other makes on the interwebs, so maybe that’s just fabric choice or how raglans work.

Pattern: Sewaholic Belcarra, View B sleeves and View C cuffs, size 0 with forward shoulder adjustment and smaller neckline. Purchased from Sew Squirrel (my favourite Aussie independent pattern retailer).
Fabric: White voile from Lincraft (Australia)
Thoughts: Love this pattern, great for home and the office